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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Panel Poet (RTE 2 Mon 26th Nov 2007)

The Panel can be very funny sometimes... though not as often as it used to be. I think Andrew Maxwell has come on in leaps and bounds - or maybe he was just hiding his talents?

Their guest, Murray Lachlan Young, (Nov 26th) poet, writer, performer - well,I have to admit - I'd never heard of him. Nor was I terribly impressed at the start of his interview.
But his poem "If you gonna go, Keith, (don't do it like that)" was a revelation. The cleverness is in the telling. So go on, have a listen!

And for more about him.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Dundalk -Things don't happen Overnight! DkIT, Ice Dome, Dundalk Stadium & Dermot's Road

I was lucky enough to attend the recent launch of the new DVD to promote Dundalk as a place to live, work & invest and visit. It marked another stage in the strategy to create a favourable image for the town which has previously suffered fron some bad press. (If I hear the term "El Paso" again I'll scream!)

Many of the town's "movers and shakers" were there. Even our very own Jim Corr!
The County Manager called on one and all to become an "ambassador for Dundalk" promoting the town in a positive way at every possible opportunity.

Very timely indeed, you might think, seeing as our next assignment is on, yes, the very thing, Dundalk - the brand!

So these are my thoughts: sure, Dundalk has suffered from a serious negative image. And yes, it did suffer in the 70's and 80's from the death of many of the indigenous manufacturing industries for which it was famous: we no longer manufacture Guinness, Cigarettes & shoes.

Of course nobody wanted to invest in an area where their buildings might be blown up. Were there really more bombing incidences here compared to Dublin? I haven't got the figures to hand but whatever the statistics, there certainly was a lack of belief in the town's future.

Either this perception was craftily manipulated, or was the result of a general apathy caused by the recession and the disruptive political situation north of the border.

Luckily, we've moved on. And just in case anyone thinks it all happened overnight, because of the "celtic tiger" (another term I want made extinct) well no, it didn't.

Because these things take time.

It has been a few years since the term "gateway town" was first mooted. Again, this hasn't just happened overnight. We're still waiting to hear if we will be awarded some funding from the Gateway Innovation Fund (GIF)
For sure, there are plenty of examples of the progress that's been made: infrastructure in the form of roads, the M1 - Dermot's Road - as Peter Malone, Chairman NRA and Chairman DEDG - Dundalk Economic Development Group)calls it - our very own Motorway. We can go all the way to Wexford in one direction or to Newry and beyond.(By the way, I'm sure I don't need to explain that the "Dermot" referred to is our very own senior Cabinet Minister Dermot Ahern)

And have we forgotten about the Enterprise - surely one of the first new transport projects to put Dundalk on the map as a "commuter town", back in the days when Mary O'Rourke was Minister for Transport. What luxury that new train service was - and still is. Today, we take it for granted. The twenty-somethings have practially grown up with it!

The slow but steady build up of the town around the Inner Relief Road with Shopping, Office, Warehouse and Leisure developments in its immediate vicinity has changed the face of Dundalk dramatically.

We have some beautifully re-developed town centre landmarks such as the Museum, the Library, the Court House and the Town Hall. The Corner of Market Square and the Demesne has been rebuilt, rejuvenating that section of the town centre. All these have been done to the highest architectural and design standards, taking their surroundings into consideration and enhancing the heart of the town.

New hotels, developments at DkIT, the Ice Dome, Race Track and Olympic-sized Swimming Pool are all further examples of the progress that has been made. These didn't just happen overnight. There are many more examples. And yes, there's lots more to be done.

But they are all proof that while many were bad-mouthing Dundalk (and sure, there were some unsavoury goings-on) many good, honest, hardworking people in the town were working quietly together on a voluntary basis, for the overall good of the town.

Let's hope they continue doing so because things just don't happen overnight!

Assignments & Deadlines ibid & op.cit.

The joys of assignments and deadlines, referencing and research. We're right in the middle of it and the deadline (already extended) is in a matter of hours. How come it always ends up being last minute?

With all the advice, guides and notes on how to write a report, why is it that there are always a hundred questions: like, what exactly are the "terms of reference"? What exactly should be in the primary research and, as for the referencing system - well - the questions are endless.

Does anyone know the difference between ibid and op.cit.? I dare you to try!
Some suggestions: Op.cit. - the answer to Mary Harney's prayers?
ibid - Ireland's version of ebay?

Every eventuality is covered. Or so it seems, until you go to reference say, a website. It's impossible! Surely all those clever Joe's (or Chucks or Dwanes) at Harvard could have come up with something simpler.

When I'm reading something and it refers to a website, I'm quite happy if the website is linked. It makes sense! Not everything on a website has an author/date etc. Sure, throw in the author's name if it's there.

You have to hand it to them though - with their love of detail and guesswork - if the Da Vinci Code hadn't already been written, they might have come up with that instead!

Maybe all that's missing is a bit of R&A (that's romance and adventure)
Who says a report shouldn't be a good read.

I think I'll start again!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Well Well Well! - What price a cup of tea?

The Well at DkIT. Now run by Campbell Catering.

One tea bag (standard quality), one polystyrene cup and boiling water = €1. Ok maybe, if you're having just the one!

But add another couple a day and it's a significant amount of money. Add to that, the huge queue at eleven and it's a recipe for not so "well-being", in fact, I'd go so far as to say ill-feeling, all round.

Now I'm not critizing the girls who work there, who are by the most part friendly and efficient. After all, I'm guessing they are only doing what is asked of them by the shortsighted management of Campbell Catering. CC take note - just because people don't complain all the time doesn't mean all is "well" in the the garden!

Firstly, the price - how can CC justify One Euro for this most basic of beverages? THe price of coffee I can understand. After all, we are in the land of lattes and luxury in this (post?) Celtic Tiger Ireland. But that's an entirely different issue! Some of us were practially reared on the cuppa tea!

Secondly, we actually have to queue to hand over this hard earned Euro. When we only have 15 minutes for our eleven o'clock break - is this not a "wee bit - well, crazy?"

Surely there's a better system? Could we be trusted to throw our money into a basket - just for the cup of tea? Well, probably not!

Let's go even further and suggest the price is reduced to 50 cent and any extra thrown into the basket goes to a chosen charity. That would be well good.

I feel myself "welling up" from their kindness already!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nervous about an interview or presentation? - A lesson for the future.

Bush /Blair - Read my lips!

It's an oldie but goodie. After all we're still suffering the fallout. Will Bertie be next? Don't know about the body language?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

eye of the needle

I know it's meant to take some effort to get into college but does anyone else think it's a bit ridiculous that there is only one side of the front door to the main building at DkIT available to enter the college. And of course to get out again - maybe that's the point?

And this after having negotiated the smokers gathered around the door - they too could do with some shelter or awning under which they can enjoy their choice of break! Surely some bright engineering students (or lecturers) could come up with some more user-friendly design.....

Monday, November 5, 2007

After Mid-term Blues!

Back to basics, literally. It's like starting all over again! Trying to think of something interesting to say on this Monday morning is like extracting teeth. It just doesn't want to give!
I re-organised my files during the week - but still haven't got it right. I ended up with more to carry this morning which was not a good idea. Who has the answer to this problem please?