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Monday, November 26, 2007

Assignments & Deadlines ibid & op.cit.

The joys of assignments and deadlines, referencing and research. We're right in the middle of it and the deadline (already extended) is in a matter of hours. How come it always ends up being last minute?

With all the advice, guides and notes on how to write a report, why is it that there are always a hundred questions: like, what exactly are the "terms of reference"? What exactly should be in the primary research and, as for the referencing system - well - the questions are endless.

Does anyone know the difference between ibid and op.cit.? I dare you to try!
Some suggestions: Op.cit. - the answer to Mary Harney's prayers?
ibid - Ireland's version of ebay?

Every eventuality is covered. Or so it seems, until you go to reference say, a website. It's impossible! Surely all those clever Joe's (or Chucks or Dwanes) at Harvard could have come up with something simpler.

When I'm reading something and it refers to a website, I'm quite happy if the website is linked. It makes sense! Not everything on a website has an author/date etc. Sure, throw in the author's name if it's there.

You have to hand it to them though - with their love of detail and guesswork - if the Da Vinci Code hadn't already been written, they might have come up with that instead!

Maybe all that's missing is a bit of R&A (that's romance and adventure)
Who says a report shouldn't be a good read.

I think I'll start again!

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