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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Well Well Well! - What price a cup of tea?

The Well at DkIT. Now run by Campbell Catering.

One tea bag (standard quality), one polystyrene cup and boiling water = €1. Ok maybe, if you're having just the one!

But add another couple a day and it's a significant amount of money. Add to that, the huge queue at eleven and it's a recipe for not so "well-being", in fact, I'd go so far as to say ill-feeling, all round.

Now I'm not critizing the girls who work there, who are by the most part friendly and efficient. After all, I'm guessing they are only doing what is asked of them by the shortsighted management of Campbell Catering. CC take note - just because people don't complain all the time doesn't mean all is "well" in the the garden!

Firstly, the price - how can CC justify One Euro for this most basic of beverages? THe price of coffee I can understand. After all, we are in the land of lattes and luxury in this (post?) Celtic Tiger Ireland. But that's an entirely different issue! Some of us were practially reared on the cuppa tea!

Secondly, we actually have to queue to hand over this hard earned Euro. When we only have 15 minutes for our eleven o'clock break - is this not a "wee bit - well, crazy?"

Surely there's a better system? Could we be trusted to throw our money into a basket - just for the cup of tea? Well, probably not!

Let's go even further and suggest the price is reduced to 50 cent and any extra thrown into the basket goes to a chosen charity. That would be well good.

I feel myself "welling up" from their kindness already!

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